
Children’s Earth Day Activities

Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22. This is a great time to help children think about the planet and how they can help the Earth. Children of all ages can celebrate Earth Day! Whether they read about Earth Day with a family member, pick up garbage, recycle, or make Earth Day crafts, Earth Day is all about loving our planet. I have created a list of some fun Earth Day activities for you to do with your preschooler!

Happy Earth Day image of Earth

Check out a Book from Your Local Public Library:

EARTH DAY Stories–7 great stories for young children.

Make an Earth Day Craft:

TISSUE PAPER EARTH— free downloadable template and step-by-step instructions.


Earth— trace all of the letters in the word Earth and color the picture of our planet.

Leaf I Spy Challenge– count how many of each kind of leaf you see!

EARTH DAY I Spy Challenge — count how many of each Earth Day picture you spy.

Family Activities:

Here are some easy activities that you can do with your preschooler with free or low cost supplies.

Upcycle Broken Crayons–turn broken bits of crayons into brand new crayons with silicon molds.

Pick up garbage–organize a family cleanup of your neighborhood or local park!

Nature Scavenger Hunt–Can you find all of these items outside?

Recycled Crafts–make crafts from reusable materials found around your house such as toilet paper rolls, scraps of paper for mosaic art projects, or egg cartons.

I hope you enjoy these Earth Day activities!

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